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Closing The Mental Tabs

Ever feel like the mental tabs in your brain are killing you?

We don’t need science or spirituality to tell us the psychological burden we carry as leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners can be extremely heavy at times. This truth is self-authenticating.

Ever had a loved one say, “are you EVEN listening to ME?” while you’re staring them in the eyes? You’re “there” BUT “not there”.

I get it…

The burden is even heavier when the fundamental systems we rely on are wobbly, to say the least.

Financial institutions, political structures, technology, and social sandboxes – they all feel unstable.

It can be challenging to build security and safety within ourselves, our teams, our businesses, our portfolios, and our tribes when the floor we count on is shaky.

So, how do we navigate this?

Ignoring, suppressing, or opening more mental tabs hasn’t been working.

The burden is costing us our health, relationships, sanity, and freedom – the very things we’re on a crusade to achieve.

Any rational being is asking themselves, “There’s gotta be a better way, right?”

At least that’s what I was asking myself when the tabs in my brain became too much. In my search to find a better way, I learned something crucial.

I had so many tabs open in my mind because I’d ambitiously made commitments to clients, team members, dynamic projects, speaking engagements, new launches, adventures, and volunteer opportunities without sufficient margin.

On one hand, this is a great thing – saying YES is energizing and exciting! The momentum takes on a life of its own. Maybe you’ve been there?

For me, I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, so I struggled to say NO – even when my intuition said otherwise – and my desire to serve quickly overcame me.

It was hidden in a hero’s journey: my mom has cancer, I’ll organize to scale the family businesses, and help many others restore dinner tables by implementing operational systems.

When I fully unmasked, I realized that for me, “my service” was really masking “my need to be needed”.

The number of tabs I had open was the number of ways I needed validation to feel good enough in the construct of my own mind.

When I started closing tabs, I started seeing my ideas, actions, focus, and commitments for what they were – unspoken contracts for approval.

Once I closed all the tabs and rebooted myself, alignment arrived.

Thankfully, in 2016, I had written myself a 10-step playbook for how to reboot, which came in handy.

Patrick-Bet David talks about alignment being the most critical piece to winning the business chessboard. And I agree.

The opposite of alignment is misalignment. Misalignment is a state of disorder, inconsistency, and division.

In my experience, misalignment equals chaos. Chaos breeds fear. Fear squashes trust. And trust is the cornerstone for building anything sustainable in business and life.

Sometimes in our haste, or rather our “need to be needed,” we open tabs and burden ourselves unnecessarily. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I believe there’s going to be a wave of entrepreneurs building in alignment instead of building in heaviness.

The path I found started with a way of breathing. Sounds silly and unfounded, but don’t knock it till you try it.

The burden of too many tabs in our brain is not solved by opening another tab. It’s solved by closing tabs.

Closing tabs is about getting out of our heads and into our bodies. It seems counterintuitive, yet once experienced, it becomes obvious.

You think you’ll forget what needs to be done, BUT what actually happens is you figure out your ONE thing much faster.

If you’re curious about closing the tabs in your mind, tapping into your heart again, and building your business more aligned, it doesn’t start with another tab. It starts with the next best-aligned action for you.

I get it – knowing what that action is can be challenging when our bodies are hanging from our heads.

I learned that in moments like that, any small progress towards moving out of my head into my body is a good next step. Inch by inch, my feet start getting planted back on solid ground again.

If this resonates with you – the part of you that gets it without words – and you’re ready to stop hanging by the tabs in your brain, then you can schedule a paid 90-minute call here >>

This Alignment Call is designed to help you close tabs, elevate to see a sustainable path forward, and hold you in a bubble of grace while you meet the reality of your situation and the truth of who you are. You can breakthrough and feel like an aligned action-taker again.

You will leave feeling lighter and equipped with a framework to close tabs on demand.

I look forward to connecting with you and helping you remember who you are so you can be a blessing while you build and scale your business.

P.S. I help heart-led leaders organize to scale their businesses by organizing to scale themselves first. Then we implement aligned systems in your business to stabilize growth.

The first action is scheduling an alignment call...


Staci Gray has over two decades of experience organizing real-world businesses to scale. She puts an emphasis on quickly collapsing the gap between ideas and profits by persistently executing for progress and results. Staci envisions a world where innovative leaders are no longer trapped by operational chaos and instead are empowered to efficiently and effectively solve real-world problems, impact real-people on a human level and generate profits quickly. Staci loves coming alongside mission-driven leaders who are using their ideas, influence and intellect to build successful businesses and empowering them to scale without losing their sanity, compromising their values, sacrificing their relationships, and drowning in operational chaos. Supporting leaders one business at a time!