When watching the Olympics, we love seeing high-achievers … elite performers … and individuals who are at the top of their game … doing what they do best.
And many of us admire them for their work ethic and skill. Maybe their physiques too 😉
In large part, these athletes have achieved greatness due to their daily habits and relentless pursuit of excellence.
Yes, they have the top coaches, training, therapy and resources … HOWEVER … they also took the steps necessary to put themselves in a position to consistently perform at a peak level.
As entrepreneurs, business owners, and syndicators striving for peak level performance from our teams, companies, and deals … developing strategies, resources and strong habits is crucial.
We talk a lot about getting into the right rooms … surrounding ourselves with ideas, people, and networks who can help propel our success.
So, let’s assume you’re already doing that. Now what?!
Ideas are great. Education is important. Community is insanely valuable. AND execution is where wantrepreneurs turn into impactful entrepreneurs.
Getting the right things done at the right time in the right way is what wins gold medals.
So, how do we win gold medals in business?
Zig Ziglar says, “You don’t build a business. You build people, and people build the business.”
Gold medal businesses are built by strong teams and strong teams are composed of high-performing individuals.
High-performing individuals are A-players who LOVE clarity, structure, accountability, and feedback.
Side-note: Your non-A-players will be HEAVILY resistant to these 4 things.
Leaders of strong teams are intentional about developing the daily habits that create and reinforce clarity, structure, accountability, and feedback.
Clarity: Every brand we work with has a One-Sheet which clearly outlines their vision, mission, values and what their priorities are for the next 90-Days.
This is just a one-sheet! Not a 100-page business plan … it’s simple, concise and easily digestible by all team members … making consistent execution achievable.
Structure: With every brand, we map out the 6-10 Core Processes for successfully running their business. And we link each key step to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for executing their vision down to the T … making sure the tactical is in alignment with their values.
Accountability: Every brand has a sacred meeting schedule where scorecard numbers are reviewed based on pre-agreed key metrics and weekly action items are reviewed from the previous week and established for the upcoming week.
Numbers don’t lie … when we review numbers weekly, we can predict with a level of certainty if we will hit our business goals or not. And make real-time adjustments as needed.
Feedback: Building a business isn’t a set it and forget it type of thing. Being that businesses are living organisms, every 90-Days we perform an in-depth review, what worked … what didn’t … where are the opportunities … and what are the priorities for the next 90-Days.
Gold medal businesses are fierce culture creators, people developers, and have a massive bias towards effective action.
We hope this helps you develop strong habits within your team and continue making an impact in your sphere of influence.
Staci Gray has over two decades of experience organizing real-world businesses to scale. She puts an emphasis on quickly collapsing the gap between ideas and profits by persistently executing for progress and results. Staci envisions a world where innovative leaders are no longer trapped by operational chaos and instead are empowered to efficiently and effectively solve real-world problems, impact real-people on a human level and generate profits quickly. Staci loves coming alongside mission-driven leaders who are using their ideas, influence and intellect to build successful businesses and empowering them to scale without losing their sanity, compromising their values, sacrificing their relationships, and drowning in operational chaos. Supporting leaders one business at a time!