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Kim Kiyosaki’s Secret Weapon

I started organizing business operations when I was 16 years old. I met Kim Kiyosaki at 18 years old and her journey as a leader, investor, and female entrepreneur has always inspired me.

Recently I had the pleasure of attending InvestHERcon, a conference for women in real estate.

At this event, Kim shared a deeper part of her story that I have not heard her share in over 20 years of watching her on stage, reading her books, and having roundtable meals with her.

The mission of Rich Dad has always been to elevate the financial IQ of humanity. And after her speech, an audience member said Kim is now elevating the consciousness of humanity.

What a special moment for Kim …

And it was incredibly special for me too … Over the last 22 years of organizing businesses I’ve learned that we cannot organize and scale our businesses unless we organize and scale ourselves.

Because …

Building and scaling businesses puts us face to face with all our personal demons … It accelerates a psychological adventure of character development and growth for the souls brave enough to get in the arena.

It demands that we elevate beyond space, time, and circumstance to call in solutions that do not exist yet in our physical reality.

Kim is modeling how to integrate the spiritual realm into the physical realm in business and investing …and I’m honored to have witnessed her first speech on such a magical thing. A crusade near to my heart.

3 Key Take-Aways from Kim’s Wisdom:

  1. Make decisions with Spirit and implement them with Logic.
  2. Make mistakes and make them faster. Call them leaps of faith.
  3. Lean into the life lesson of patience.

3 Books Kim Recommends:

  1. The Power of Now
  2. A New Earth
  3. Wisdom of the Counsel

I didn’t know what to expect when I attended a real estate conference for women. But I found fellow leaders desiring to execute with all of their soul in their bodies … Including Kim who’s been shining the way since the beginning.

Thank you to Andresa and Liz for hosting such a wonderful conference and healing together.

I look forward to this new wave of embodied entrepreneurs and leaders.

Cheers to staying rooted and getting sh!t done!

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Staci Gray has over two decades of experience organizing real-world businesses to scale. She puts an emphasis on quickly collapsing the gap between ideas and profits by persistently executing for progress and results. Staci envisions a world where innovative leaders are no longer trapped by operational chaos and instead are empowered to efficiently and effectively solve real-world problems, impact real-people on a human level and generate profits quickly. Staci loves coming alongside mission-driven leaders who are using their ideas, influence and intellect to build successful businesses and empowering them to scale without losing their sanity, compromising their values, sacrificing their relationships, and drowning in operational chaos. Supporting leaders one business at a time!