How to Avoid 9 Mistakes Integrators Commonly Make
We’ve found that a 3-Day Strategic Planning Session is the BEST and fastest way for the integrator to develop a deep, thorough understanding of the vision and ensure everyone’s aiming for the same target.
2. No Sense of Urgency to Execute.
It’s important that the integrator quickly builds trust with the visionary in order for them to have an excellent working relationship.
So what’s the quickest way to build trust with a hard-charging entrepreneur? By presenting them with real, visible results!
With alignment and clarity of vision, an integrator can execute quickly and start moving the needle on those high-priority items.
3. Not Connecting with the Team.
While driving the execution team toward the goal line, the integrator must also be cognizant of protecting the team’s energy and confidence.
If the integrator lacks empathy or fails to consider the human element of the business, it can create a negative work environment and lower morale.
Another thing to consider is that with growth comes change … And with change inherently comes a certain level of discomfort. The 5-Step Framework for Managing Change is a helpful resource for avoiding common issues like confusion, resistance, decreased morale, and burnout during periods of transition.
It’s important to ensure that everyone on the team feels supported and confident in their abilities. Executing the visionary’s strategy and plans effectively will be MUCH easier with a team that’s engaged, confident, and ready to get $*!t done!
4. Brushing Things Under the Rug.
Another mistake that integrators can make is brushing things under the rug instead of addressing them head-on. It’s important for integrators to be proactive and address issues as they arise, rather than letting them fester and potentially grow into bigger problems.
This requires a willingness to have difficult conversations and a commitment to transparency and accountability. By addressing issues directly and openly, integrators can foster a culture of trust and accountability that can lead to long-term success.
5. Lack of strategic thinking.
The integrator’s focus can’t solely be on execution. They must have a strategic mindset and be able to think beyond day-to-day operations.
By Thinking 5 Moves Ahead, Integrators can improve focus, clarity & decision making, decrease the number of fire drills, and ease growing pains … Which can have a crucial impact on the long-term potential of the business!
6. Poor communication.
Integrators must have excellent communication skills to effectively manage and lead the team. If they struggle with communication, it can create confusion and slow progress.
In other words, Sloppy Communication = Sloppy Execution.
But communication isn’t just about sharing the message … it’s receiving it too! If miscommunication occurs between the Visionary and Integrator, the Integrator will share that misconstrued message with the team.
Asking clarifying questions, repeating back what they’re understanding, and getting confirmation are all strong communication practices the integrator should implement to increase comprehension.
7. Resistance to change.
Integrators must be adaptable and willing to embrace change. If they are resistant to change or unable to pivot when necessary, it can limit the ability of the business to grow and evolve.
8. Micromanagement.
Integrators must be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively. If they micromanage team members or fail to trust their abilities, it can create resentment and limit creativity and innovation.
A successful integrator doesn’t need to monitor every move the team makes … They set and monitor metrics, create ownership & accountability, and empower their team with all the tools and resources to get it done. In turn, they promote a healthy, positive team culture where everyone knows what to do, how to do it, and takes pride in their work.
9. Lack of attention to detail.
The devil is in the details … A good integrator understands that behind even the simplest task is a specific process that needs to be followed.
If they overlook important details or fail to execute tasks properly, it can lead to mistakes and negative consequences for the business, so an integrator must be detail-oriented.