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Mastering Psychological Systems: The Key to Sustainable Results for Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs

The greatest strength we share as entrepreneurs is we solve problems. It’s the basis of everything we do in business.

So the question becomes how can we navigate the problem-solving journey better?!

The answer is … train ourselves to see problems as opportunities and develop daily disciplines to reinforce this perspective.

In rubbing shoulders with many bright and talented entrepreneurs … One thing they all have in common is they see things differentlyWhat we believe impacts our actions.

As Wayne Dyer says, “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.”

BUT, how do we train ourselves to see opportunities and believe it will work out?

By developing strong systems – psychological, structural, and social.

The results we’re experiencing in our lives right now are a direct result of how we’ve programmed our minds over the last weeks, months, years, and decades.

When we pre-decide who we want to be and how we want to show up, we can create daily psychological systems to keep our mindset, attitude, and habits in tip-top shape.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day.” – Jim Rohn

Most people know the actions that bring them closer to their goals and the ones that drive them further away.

The goal is to do more of the things that bring us closer to our goals and less of the things that drive us further away.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being consistent  While also accepting our humanity and following through on our commitment to forward progress.

The entrepreneurial journey is certainly not smooth sailing. There are plot twists and black swans we can be blind-sided by. And other times, as leaders, we make poor decisions that we only discover in hindsight.

If you find yourself there … you’re normal! Just remember, you’re in the arena as said in Theodore Roosevelt’s famous speech.

The difference-maker between the problems that take us out and the problems that get turned into opportunities … is our psychology.

This is why psychological systems are so crucial.

It’s the safeguard against the unexpected … the “what happened” moments … the right hook and get back on your feet moments … the hindsight we needed before the train wreck…

Here are 7 Steps to Develop Your Psychological Systems:

  1. Define Your Identity: Who are you … What do you stand for … What do you want in life and business … and … What will and won’t you trade to get there
  2. Dominate Your Demons: We all have belief systems that don’t serve us. And we must take inventory of our beliefs and values so that we can re-program our minds to serve our ideal life and business. #BeDoHave 
  3. Set Your Priorities: Over the next 10 years, 5 years, 3 years, 12 months, and 90-Days what measurable results do you want to create and what are the little yellow feet to get there?
  4. Schedule and Perform Your Daily Tasks: Going back to our favorite motto … “If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist” … schedule the little yellow feet on your calendar to match the energy you can bring that will drive maximum results.Then get up every day and follow through on your calendared actions.
  5. Reflection Session: Develop a practice of reflecting on what’s working and what’s not working so you can adjust along the way.For me, this is a private moment of journaling the “wins and worries”, “contingency planning”, and asking myself thought-provoking questions to get the root demon to uproot or the next strategic chess move to make.
  6. Celebrate Your Wins: As high-performers, we often judge ourselves based on the gap, not the gain as Dan Sullivan calls it.Celebrating our little wins along the way makes the journey more joyful, plus it also trains our minds to focus on the good which reinforces an opportunistic mindset vs a problem-focused mindset. 
  7. Pay It Forward: The gains we make, in business and life, by developing strong psychological systems can be shared with others.This is an abundance mindset that will return tenfold… PLUS make the environment we’re in every single day more vibrant and fulfilling.

We hope these 7 steps help you align your biggest, bravest initiatives with the type of person you want to be for yourself, your loved ones, your team, and the world at large.

The world needs leaders to show up in this way! Let’s crush this journey together!

Stay inspired. Stay motivated and Stay confident as you navigate this exciting entrepreneurial adventure!

Don’t forget >>>> Our upcoming FREE WEBINAR is only 7 days away!

“Unleash Your Potential with DISC: Mastering Yourself, Building Winning Teams, and Thriving in Turbulent Times”

Join us Thursday, July 20th at 12 Noon CT / 1 PM ET!

For Help Developing Successful Systems ...


Staci Gray has over two decades of experience organizing real-world businesses to scale. She puts an emphasis on quickly collapsing the gap between ideas and profits by persistently executing for progress and results. Staci envisions a world where innovative leaders are no longer trapped by operational chaos and instead are empowered to efficiently and effectively solve real-world problems, impact real-people on a human level and generate profits quickly. Staci loves coming alongside mission-driven leaders who are using their ideas, influence and intellect to build successful businesses and empowering them to scale without losing their sanity, compromising their values, sacrificing their relationships, and drowning in operational chaos. Supporting leaders one business at a time!