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Metrics and Reporting

Choosing the right integrator for a visionary is a critical business decision. An integrator is someone who can complement the visionary's strengths and provide the operational leadership and management necessary to execute the visionary's strategy.

As a kid, my mom used to tell us when we left the house, “Remember who you are and be a blessing." It was her way of saying to us to be a good person … Have high standards, be a person of character, be kind, be joyful, be loving, stand for something that matters,

As a kid, my mom used to tell us when we left the house, “Remember who you are and be a blessing." It was her way of saying to us to be a good person … Have high standards, be a person of character, be kind, be joyful, be loving, stand for something that matters,

Choosing the right integrator for a visionary is a critical business decision. An integrator is someone who can complement the visionary's strengths and provide the operational leadership and management necessary to execute the visionary's strategy.

We don’t have to tell you there’s a lot that goes into starting a business … Between marketing, operations, tech, legal, finance, accounting, hiring, training, branding … It can be difficult to know where to focus

Winning in business is about consistency. It’s not just about the next revolutionary idea or out-of-this-world opportunity … it’s about steady, persistent daily actions. And yes, we’re often just one idea or relationship away from an explosion in our business. However, it’s the calculated actions we take each-and-every-day that put us in a position to receive that next