Have you ever met a successful entrepreneur who enjoyed losing?!
I think not …
If you’re a type-A visionary leader like me … We love winning!
Winning is fun. Losing sucks. Period.
BUT … There are so many good lessons to be learned during those “sucky” times. One of my mentors says, embrace the suck.
Speaking of mentors … I’ve had hundreds over the years … some of which don’t even know I exist! And I credit a lot of what I’ve accomplished to them.
That’s the beauty of the brightest minds freely sharing their insights … Just pick up a book or tune in to a podcast and you get to hear their wisdom for nearly nothing!
A couple years back, I discovered one of those mentors in Patrick-Bet-David and became obsessed with how his mind works.
He’s systematic … disciplined … hard-working … strategic … and fun! That’s a winning combination!
After binging on his content and reading his book, Your Next 5 Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy … I started implementing a few of his strategies.
One of those strategies is how to leverage the 6 resources every entrepreneur has to build and scale their businesses.
I took this list of 6 resources along with me for a Reflection Session and started journaling ways I could maximize each area.
That session turned into more SYSTEMS! Surprise, surprise … I know 😉
I believe the right systems paired with the right leaders and a stroke of “luck”, when preparation meets opportunity, is another winning combo.
Inside Scoop: We’re working on publicly sharing the systems I’ve been using privately for years. If you want to be first to know when these systems are made available … hit reply and type SYSTEMS and our team will put you on the list.
In the meantime, grab your pad and pen for your own Reflection Session.
Unplug from the grind and reflect on these questions for each area … Day, Network, Money, Tools, Talents, Advisors
After narrowing each area to the one thing as Gary Keller calls it … then put it on the calendar and make it happen!
Like we say … “If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist.”
The above will be sufficient for some … BUT, as we’ve worked hand-in-hand with various Visionary entrepreneurs over the years, we’ve learned … not all Visionaries are created equal.
So, if you fall into the camp that does these types of exercises often YET nothing seems to stick. And even if you’re a 10/10 … there’s always room for improvement. We say a 10/10 is the new 0/10.
So, the most critical system for moving from 0 to 10 will be your psychological and physiological systems.
It’s too much for today’s email … BUT, we have a special resource to help jumpstart your journey.
Improving your psychological (brain) and physiological (body) systems start with understanding your natural wiring.
At Organize to Scale™, we use the DISC Personality Assessment along with a Visionary Test to answer the question … how are you uniquely wired?
If you want to know how you score and get a personal review with our Business Growth Coach who is DISC Certified, we’ve got you covered!
You’re invited to schedule a Business Growth Audit including digesting your DISC and Visionary Test results too! Click here to schedule right now >>
It’s probably no secret that there are TWO CRITICAL aspects to scaling a successful business … Leadership and Systems.
As founders or primary leaders within our organizations, continuously upleveling both is mission-critical.
We’re here to share insights, tools and resources to help you do both in less time and with less headaches!
Schedule your Business Growth Audit today >>
We’re cheering for you as you organize your business and yourself to scale!
Staci Gray has over two decades of experience organizing real-world businesses to scale. She puts an emphasis on quickly collapsing the gap between ideas and profits by persistently executing for progress and results. Staci envisions a world where innovative leaders are no longer trapped by operational chaos and instead are empowered to efficiently and effectively solve real-world problems, impact real-people on a human level and generate profits quickly. Staci loves coming alongside mission-driven leaders who are using their ideas, influence and intellect to build successful businesses and empowering them to scale without losing their sanity, compromising their values, sacrificing their relationships, and drowning in operational chaos. Supporting leaders one business at a time!