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Integrators are responsible for executing the visionary entrepreneur's strategy and operational plans, and their role is critical to the success of the business. However, like any role, integrators can make mistakes that can have negative consequences for the business.

Choosing the right integrator for a visionary is a critical business decision. An integrator is someone who can complement the visionary's strengths and provide the operational leadership and management necessary to execute the visionary's strategy.

Visionaries are a rare breed of individuals who have the power to inspire, innovate and create a future that others can only dream of. With a bold vision and an unwavering spirit, they can inspire their team to greatness and drive innovation and growth like no other.

Visionaries are leaders, whether we want to accept the responsibility or not. In the hundreds of planning sessions we’ve performed with visionary entrepreneurs … A common thread is the struggle to lead well and the impact that struggle has on the business.

Have you ever met a successful entrepreneur who enjoyed losing?! I think not

As a visionary entrepreneur, it’s safe to assume you have a long list of goals you want to achieve … First there’s your business goals — like meeting specific growth and financial metrics … And then there’s your personal goals — maybe working out more, eating healthier, or spending more time with your family.

It seems like we’re always shouting from the rooftops the importance of planning … But we can’t stress enough how critical it is when scaling a business and leading people. So we’ll keep beating this drum until it’s ingrained in your business.

As we launch into 2023, many of us have big goals for who we will become, what we will achieve, and what success will look like by the end of the year. These aspirational ideals propel us to show up every day with intention and discipline

As we celebrate the holidays and look forward to a brand new year ahead, let us take a moment to reflect and give our gratitude to 2022! In the hustle and bustle of the season, especially as business owners, pausing to reflect isn’t always easy. But a “go mentality” will only take us so far.