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This weekend, we honor the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military

This weekend, we honor the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military

As a kid, my mom used to tell us when we left the house, “Remember who you are and be a blessing." It was her way of saying to us to be a good person … Have high standards, be a person of character, be kind, be joyful, be loving, stand for something that matters,

Choosing the right integrator for a visionary is a critical business decision. An integrator is someone who can complement the visionary's strengths and provide the operational leadership and management necessary to execute the visionary's strategy.

Integrators are responsible for executing the visionary entrepreneur's strategy and operational plans, and their role is critical to the success of the business. However, like any role, integrators can make mistakes that can have negative consequences for the business.

Choosing the right integrator for a visionary is a critical business decision. An integrator is someone who can complement the visionary's strengths and provide the operational leadership and management necessary to execute the visionary's strategy.

Have you ever met a successful entrepreneur who enjoyed losing?! I think not

Entrepreneurship is a demanding journey. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a business. Between meetings, emails, and other daily tasks, it can be difficult to prioritize and focus on the tasks that will move the needle for your business.

People build businesses for a few key reasons: to make money, to pursue their passion, to create freedom and to have a legitimate excuse for drinking copious amounts of coffee.

At OTS, we spend a lot of time working with successful mission-driven leaders from all sorts of different backgrounds. While their businesses and goals are all unique, the overwhelming majority of them have one thing in common: most effective leaders are planners.