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Summer is fading fast and around here that means one thing … Football! If you’re not quite as excited as we are, don’t worry … We're not here just to talk sports. But when you really think about it, there are a lot of parallels between building a successful business and building a career as a

Remember the famous comedy routine performed by Abbott and Costello called Who’s on first? Abbott is identifying the players on a baseball team for Costello; however, the players’ names typically serve as the basis for asking and replying to questions. Who is the first baseman. What is on second. I don’t know is on third. And the

Leadership and management … While we often hear these terms used interchangeably in business, there are clear distinctions between the two. That’s not to say they are mutually exclusive. Managers can have leadership qualities. Leaders can have good management skills. But it takes a lot more than a management title to create a leader. And

We don’t have to tell you there’s a lot that goes into starting a business … Between marketing, operations, tech, legal, finance, accounting, hiring, training, branding … It can be difficult to know where to focus

We hope you had a happy 4th of July! After a weekend filled with celebrations of our nation’s freedom, let’s talk about freedom within your business

Let’s settle a long-time debate … What’s more important when building and scaling a business … idea or execution?! Team Idea would be shouting from the rooftop … without an idea we have nothing to execute upon.

If you’ve ever felt trapped in the very business that was designed to create freedom for you … then you’re not alone AND this email is for you … Maybe you’re still at the starting blocks overwhelmed with how to even build a business

When watching the Olympics, we love seeing high-achievers … elite performers … and individuals who are at the top of their game … doing what they do best. And many of us admire them for their work ethic and skill. Maybe their physiques too ;) In large part, these athletes have achieved greatness due to their

Ever feel like you’re in a rhythm with your business … you’ve got all your ducks in a row … and then out of nowhere, your ducks start keeling over?! Even when we’re clear on our vision … have a strong brand, great culture, and solid operational disciplines … Building and scaling a business